Sunday, September 1, 2013

Little Caliphs Putra Heights Sport Day 2013

sports day little caliph putra heights

This is how we celebrated our Hari Merdeka. Supporting Idrees for his Sports Day. Awal pagi dah kena bangun bersiap for early registration pukul 8 pagi. Idrees tak mandi! Basuh muka dengan bird je... :p Tu la malam sebelum tu pegi mengopi dengan Daddy, Pak Long and the twins abang Hanif & Hafiz. Slept late so memang la susah nak bangun pagi. We are requested to wear purple sebab hari sukan ni combine dengan Little Caliphs USJ 14 yang memilih kaler merah. Spotted mami and Adam yang pakai purple, but daddy wore blue (takde yang sesuai - nak pakai cap Callaway kaler purple bibik pegi basuh sampai patah the bill.) sports day little caliph putra heights

Event started dengan marching parade by the kids. Oh comel nya derang beratur hura hara hands up hands down marching ke dalam dewan. Kelakar dan comel! Mami went upstairs amik gambar Idrees from aerial view. Nampak tak dia tengok atas, it was awesome shot! Ehehheeh.. sports day little caliph putra heights sports day little caliph putra heights


  1. Hi Yara,
    Anak I both dekat situ but abang now already graduated. Alhamdulillah kat situ okay. Kalau you jenis rajin tanya update about your kid even better. Insya Allah teachers kat situ semua helpful. LC punya learning module is very good and islamic. I dengan senang hati would recommend you to send over your son there. :-)

  2. Hi liza..nk tanya Cl ada daycare sekali ke?dr segi belajar membaca ok tak situ? I tgh cari kindy yg sesuai for my son but nk cari yg betul2 blh belajar membaca sbb I risaukan bacaan my son.thanks

    1. Yes, the kindy ada day care sekali. RM110 additional kalau tak salah until 6pm. If lewat then ada overtime charges. Reading wise dia guna siri buku Bacalah Anakku. Femes buku tu and effective. Personal reading session with teacher. Boleh monitor your child progress sebab ada update dalam communication book. Like my case, I selalu follow up. If unsatisfactory I would approach the teacher atau principal and discuss about it. So far Alhamdulillah. Mereka helpful. Kalau perlu tution just for reading pun they are willing to help. By all means go and survey the place. Teacher Ibu or Puan Intan is the Principal there. If you need the contact let me know. :-)


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