Thursday, January 22, 2015

Mendidik anak tentang adab masuk rumah

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Kita tahu kalau perbuatan yang mengikut sunnah itu dapat pahala kan? So, I was trying to apply it to our daily life. I asked my kids to enter the house with right foot. And upon which bagi Salam bila nak masuk rumah. Ada doa juga sebenarnya boleh dibaca. Insya Allah will try teach them that too in future.

To be honest, as I remembered when I was small, tak kisah pun masuk rumah kaki apa, bagi salam , baca doa ke tidak. Sejak ada keluarga sendiri, of course we wanted the best. And my standard of 'best' is leading our life with Islamic values. Tak salah kalau nak perbaiki diri kan? It's hard when at the age of 30s nak ubah bad habit and change the way we do things. But nothing is impossible.

Senang kata, we have to start early. So for young parents, we still have time to 'mold' our kids because at young age mereka senang nak ikut apa-apa sahaja yang kita ajar. Alhamdulillah, my kids are getting on it. Masuk rumah kaki kanan and say salam. May not be every time they do that, but many times they do it without having to remind them.

That picture in the above was my lakonan semula! Idrees suruh I keluar balik sebab salah masuk rumah pakai kaki kiri dulu. Of course, I have to comply kan. We need to set good example. Keluar lah balik lepas tu. Masuk rumah kaki kanan....and say salam! Oh sejuk je hati I when he actually dare to correct me and remember the adab without me having to remind him.

May Allah SWT grant us steadfastness in doing good habit. Amin!

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