Saturday, September 21, 2013

Creative Self Introduction

Slide deck is presented in collage for the purpose of this blog post

I had my first presentation for the semester this afternoon. Felt a bit nervous pulak walhal just in front of classmates about 20 of us je. We were tasked to do a creative self introduction given a list of cues:
1. Name
2. Photo
3. DOB
4. Place of Birth
5. Marital Status, no. children (if any)
6. Highest certificate attained, University? Degree?
7. Work Experience – Position, Company
8. Favourites; Pass time,Hobby,Singer,Song,Actor &/ Actress,Movie
9. Philosophy in life?
10. Where do you see your self in (Life Charter):
a. 10 years (if u are less than 35 years old)
b. 5 years (if u are => 35 years old)
11. Whom do you love most?

It took me couple of hours to come out with what to be presented. Punya la slow nak fikir! In the end I settled with something like in the above. Creative? According to Wikipedia, Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something new and valuable is created (such as an idea, a joke, a literary work, a painting or musical composition, a solution, an invention etc.). If you can play musical instrument, painting, reciting poems, singing and acting those are creative in my opinion. Some people have natural talent without much effort.

I'm not an English Teacher, but please remember that pass time and hobby is actually different thing. Pass time is something that you do when you have nothing better to do. During pass time in a car while driving, you listen to radio. It may not be your hobby. So pass time is transitory. Whereas a hobby comes with passion and something that need investment. You invest for camera to indulge in photography.

Not too sure my piece of work fall under which category of the creativity, but it is an original idea and injection of some elements rather than just a boring text answering to the cues. Kan, kan? Importantly the message is conveyed and the objective is achieved - your audience know who you are!

I hope that gives you some idea. :-)


Tell me what you think