Friday, October 25, 2013

Sesi temuramah kajian yang berjalan lancar

Tajuk skema abis tuh! Skrip soalan untuk temuramah sudah berapa kali saya semak. Sesi temubual yang pertama bersama IT Manager merupakan seorang pelanggan semasa masih bekerja dulu yang kini merangkap kawan yang bekerja di Jaring.

Untuk sesi temuramah semalam (apa hal I dok cakap sopan nih!!), I pergi jumpa HR manager my last office where I worked. Kali ni kena dapat kan informasi dari perspektif seorang pengurus sumber manusia. Alahai, bukan ke selalu HR yang interview orang tapi kali ni orang HR yang kena interview!

coffee shop

Janji pukul 12.30 dekat coffee shop ground floor bawah office. Dah lah 10 minit lewat pulak sebab alasan cliche orang Keyel "traffic jam"! Nasib baik bukan nak interview kerja uols. Kalau tak memang dah dimerit.

Okay untuk yang first time baca, jangan lah naik heran sangat apa jugak la sis ni nak buat kena interview orang sana sini. I ni tengah buat research pasal abuse of Internet access at workplace. Kalau rasa terlebih rajin nak baca jemput baca kat sini.

Okay let us focus a bit about conducting an interview. Interviews can be divided into three-types; structured, unstructured and semi-structured. Interview yang I buat ni adalah jenis "semi-structured" sebab I ada (1)list of questions to ask, (2)willing to change the order of questions mengikut perkembangan temubual tersebut dan (3)mungkin akan bertanyakan soalan tambahan jika interviewee brings up issues.

Sebagai seorang penemuramah, dalam usaha untuk memastikan sesi tu berjalan lancar apa yang I buat adalah:
a. Plan for the ideal timing i.e lunch time
b. Avoid distraction so pergi out of office somewhere nearby i.e coffee shop
c. Notify in advanced about the topic to be discussed and briefly explained the purpose i.e SMS notification
d. Sampai di tempat pertemuan lebih awal (though I was a bit late, but she was still at her office and I called her to come down to the coffee shop to join me)
e. Rehearse (this should come earlier) the scripting, bukan suruh sampai hafal but you familiarize with the questions prior to the session
f. Asked her permission to start the session by briefly summarized the research topic and purpose of the interview. I also shared the progress of the reearch dan juga apa-apa details that I deemed necessary to tell her so that she can better understand the subject.
g. Control the topic, direction and pace of the session.
h. Maintains a consistent warm but serious (slightly) and objective tone throughout.
i. Listen carefully, write legibly the field note to capture the discussion.

Balik dengan perasaan happy sebab mission accompalished. Supermakwannabe is now planning for the 3rd interview dengan seorang young business owner yang terkenal dalam bidang IT security. Can't wait! Insya Allah coming Monday.

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