Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Majlis Pra-Graduasi Pelajar Siswazah CS770 (MPG) 2014


I finally graduated! Alhamdulillah syukur kepada Allah. Jerit perih for the past 2 years not only me but my loved ones and people who close to me akhirnya selesai jua. Dari masa abah sakit dulu masa 2nd sem then abah passed away during final sem. Semuanya bitter sweet for this little success. I ada blog pun about my experience in the last post boleh baca dekat sini.

Yes I'm happy, tapi lagi best kalau dapat grad with group of good friends kan? Many of my friends termasuklah Kak Ina (gu kawe kecek kelate walau buke ore kelate) extend for another semester, therefore tak dapat convocation sama-sama. Nak nangis rasa...tak meriah kalau terkontang kanting macam ni!

On 6th April, they invited us who will be graduating coming May for a pre-graduation dinner held in Intekma Resort. I went. Alone. Nak ajak MrKingofMyHeart, the kids who were going to jaga - dah tak ada helper sekarang ni.

Luckily ada Shida and Liza. 3 of us satu table! Punya lah tak ramai orang...These two young lady younger than me by 8-10 years tau. I respect them for knowing what they want to do in life at young age.

The first photo from left was me with En Azhar my supervisor. He's the man with enthusiasm and passion in research. He told me I have flare in writing and it would be a waste if I did'nt continue. I'm flattered with his compliment and yes, thank you for the A+ for my thesis.

We had gift exchange at the end of the dinner. I gave to Shida. It was a book by Prof Muhaya. I hope she liked it.

I received a gift from a girl which I forgot her name. She gave me glitter pink color shawl with brooches. Nicely wrapped. I guess she must be from full time student because I don't really know her.

What's with this photo? I like the makeup which I did myself. I always wanted to do smokey eyes, this is the best that I can do. Tak pandai makeup sangat pun. But I though the eyes came out alright.

That's all for now.


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